January 16, 2015
A new article has been posted on the TAM Retail blog by Grisel de la Torre:
Question: Can I email LoyaltyLink Certificates to my customers?
Answer: If you are licensed for Loyalty Link, you can email Loyalty Link Certificates in TAM Version 11.3.21 or higher. LoyaltyLink is a module in TAM that allows you to maintain a rewards program for your customers by attaching the customer to a sale and printing certificates based on reward points, as they make purchases in your store. You are required to be licensed for Customer Profiling and LoyaltyLink in order to use this module. The Email Parameters should also be configured in TAM Office in order for the email process to be successful.
Verify that you are licensed for Customer Profiling and LoyaltyLink.
1. Log into TAM Office. The Assistant Manager window will be displayed.
2. Click on System Utilities and then Setup. The TAM Setup window will be displayed.
3. If you are licensed for Customer Profiling and LoyaltyLink, it will be displayed in the Licensed Options frame.

Configure LoyaltyLink Email Information
1. Highlight LoyaltyLink and click Properties. The LoyaltyLink Parameters window will be displayed.
2. Type in the Email Name and From Email Address in the In the LoyaltyLink Email information frame.
3. Click OK. You will return back to the TAM Setup window.

Verify that your Email Parameters are configured.
1. Click on the Email Parameters button. The Email Parameters window will be displayed.
2. Make sure that proper information is listed in the Server Settings tab.
3. Click OK. You will return to the TAM Setup window.
4. Click Close. You will return to the The Assistant Manager window.

Emailing LoyaltyLink Certificates
1. Select Customer Profiling, click on Print and then select on LoyaltyLink Certificates. The Print Loyalty Link Certificates window will be displayed.
2. Enter in your Certificate Expiration Date.
3. Select how you want your LoyaltyLink Certificates emailed/printed from the Certificate Selection combo box.

4. Print All Certificates will print all certificates to a printer of your choice and will not email any.
5. Print only Certificates without Email Address will only print Loyalty Link Certificates that do not have an Email Address. It will not email any certificates that do have an Email Address.
6. Email only Certificates with Email Address will only email Certificates where the customer has an Email Address.
7. Print or Email All Certificates will email certificates to customers with an email address. If they do not have an email address, the certificates will print.
8. Once you have chosen your Certificate Selection, click Print or Email.

9. Once all certificates have printed the “Did the Certificates print correctly?” window will be displayed.
10. Click Yes if they all printed correctly.
11. Click No if they did not print correctly. Then enter the last successfully printed certificate number in the windows frame.
If you have any questions regarding this article or about your TAM software, please give us a call at 866-435-7826, or email us at help@tamretail.com.
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