
FAQ Friday: Reporting Sold General Admission Tickets

A new article has been posted on the TAM Retail blog by Dawn Downing:

FAQ SmallQuestion: Is there a report that will show my general Admission tickets sold?

Answer: Yes. If you are licensed for Admissions and sell General Admission tickets, I suggest previewing the Ticket Sales Summary report. This can be found in Admissions -> Print -> Ticket Sales Summary.  Select your date range and make sure to change the “Include General Admission” from “No” to “Yes”.

5-8 Pict 1 Print ticket Sales
Notice that the report displays the Ticket Type, quantity sold, and revenue.

5-8 pict 2 TicketSalesSummary

If you have questions, don’t hesitate to contact the TAM Help Desk at 866-435-7826 or email us at help@tamretail.com

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