
Dashboards! Interactively Monitor Performance at POS in Real-time

A new article has been posted on the TAM Retail blog by Julie Winans :

Dashboard blog photo

TAM includes dashboard technology to help you interactively monitor your organizations POS activity and sales.  

TAM includes three distinct Dashboards; Merchandise Sales, Dining Management, and Event/Admission activity.  These options in TAM can be initiated and then pinned to your desktop.  Each dashboard contains key information and management metrics that are updated in real time, keeping key members informed.  Additionally, the dashboard can be filtered to drill into a specific area or timeframe of the operation.

 TAM Merchandise Sales Dashboard
Customers that have merchandise sales operations, click below to view a brief video.


TAM Dining Dashboard
Customers that have food service operations, click below to view a brief video.


TAM Admission Dashboard (Sales and Redemption)
Customers that have event or admissions operations, click below to view a brief video.



If you have questions, don’t hesitate to contact the TAM Help Desk Support team at
866-435-7826 or email us directly at help@tamretail.com.


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