
TAM Version 12 Website Announcement

A new article has been posted on the TAM blog by Grisel de la Torre:

Version 12 is making its grand debut this season, escorted by its own website.  The TAM V12 website is the one-stop shop for anything and everything associated with our latest and greatest upgrade.

The website is full of useful information: what you need to know about V12, and what we’d LIKE you to know about V12.  It was designed with our partners in mind, to facilitate the TAM upgrade.

Invitations to access the website will be sent out via email.  How do you get on this exclusive invite list?  By having an active subscription with TAM!  If you need to renew your subscription, our sales team would be more than happy to help you.  They can be reached via phone at (888) 843-1476 or email at sales@tamb2cc.com.

It is a minimum requirement for the V12 upgrade that you are currently running TAM Version 11.8.40 or higher. There’s a simple way to check your current version by logging into TAM Office, the Version Number will be displayed on the lower left-hand corner. Your current version will be displayed there.  If you need that Version 11.8.40 upgrade, it is available on the main website by clicking here.

If you’ve forgotten your Serial Number and Password, feel free to contact the Help Desk at (866) 435-7826.

As always, we are here to help, and thank you for your support.