
FAQ Friday: Disabled User Account?

A new article has been posted to the blog by Katherine Rivera:

Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome back to FAQ Friday!  These articles will be posted every Friday and will address questions, problems, and concerns you have about TAM.  Today’s question is in regards to your TAM user account becoming disabled:

Question:  My TAM User Account is disabled;  how do I re-enable it?

Answer:  In TAM Office, please take the following steps:

  1. Click on System Utilities.
  2. Select Users.
  3. The User Application will be displayed.
  4. Double click on the User in question.
  5. This will activate the User  in User Information.
  6. Uncheck the Disabled checkbox.
  7. Click on the Rest Password button.
  8. A temporary password will be displayed in the Temporary Assigned box.
  9. Click Ok.
  10. This will bring you back to the User Information.
  11. Click Update.
  12. Have the user in question log in.
  13. This will allow the User to log in with the temporary password and force the User to create a new password.

We hope these steps will help you in the future with your TAM software.  As always, please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you would like us to troubleshoot.  Our help desk number is 866-435-7826, or feel free to shoot us an email at sales@tamretail.com.

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